
Les Belles Heures


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Enjoy together under the kiosk
tapas avond
Tapas night
duik 3
A fresh dive
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The old olive tree at night

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Enjoying the peace and quiet
fete du jardin
Fête du Jardin 
uitzicht op park
The driveway in front of the farm
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The cherries in the spring
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The garden is decorated with old farm implements
there are also various works of art
de muzikanten
The musicians
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The Eagle
LAs de Coeur
A diner at the locale restaurant L'As de Coeur
  2019 12 13 4 Relax massage
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A sound sessions 
kaas wijn
Cheese and wine evening
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The winetasting
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A Happy Hour with music
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Meeting the quests during Happy Hour
2018 05 13 6
Bird view of the park
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